Securing corporate networks
While it’s difficult to stop exploitations of zero-day vulnerabilities without patching or going offline, you can get a head start by having robust security capabilities in place to protect your business against further progress of attacks.
If the recent Microsoft Exchange server attacks have taught us anything, it’s that companies need to ensure that:
- All files that have not been seen before are to be automatically submitted for analysis
- All behaviors from suspicious samples can be observed and categorized, including new ones that may indicate potential zero-day attacks
- IT security administrators have a full visibility of attack data to increase knowledge and ease threat clean-ups
ESET Zero-Day and Malware Protection Products
To detect and prevent zero-day and malware attacks automatically with full visibility and accuracy, we have the following solutions.
ESET Dynamic Threat Defense
(Cloud Sandbox Analysis)
A cloud security sandbox that provides a powerful and isolated test environment, where suspicious sample is detonated, and their behavior are observed, analyzed and reported in an automated manner. With this, new behaviors can be found and any attempts at exploiting vulnerabilities are reported to our customers as malicious and are blocked at the server and endpoints.
This is especially useful against zero-day threats, including ransomware.
ESET Enterprise Inspector
(Endpoint Detection & Response)
Increase your control and visibility further by leveraging on our endpoint detection and response (EDR) tool that enables the IT administrator to not only shorten the time for investigation, but also show the paths of attack and provide overall security of compromised servers.
This is a significant help in identifying and cleaning up the malware and affected endpoints & servers.
Get the level of data protection that’s right for your business with ESET's cloud sandbox analysis and endpoint detection and response solutions.
Eliminate ransomware and zero-day threats with Cloud Sandbox.
Cloud sandbox analysis
All included components:
- Cloud-based Console
- Endpoint Protection
- File Server Security
- Full Disk Encryption
- Cloud sandbox analysis
- Mail Security
- Cloud App Protection
- Endpoint Detection & Response
Secured cloud applications and multilayered endpoint protection.
Cloud sandbox analysis
All included components:
- Cloud-based Console
- Endpoint Protection
- File Server Security
- Full Disk Encryption
- Cloud sandbox analysis
- Mail Security
- Cloud App Protection
- Endpoint Detection & Response
Future-ready cybersecurity for powerful enterprise protection
Cloud sandbox analysis
All included components:
- Cloud-based Console
- Endpoint Protection
- File Server Security
- Full Disk Encryption
- Cloud sandbox analysis
- Mail Security
- Cloud App Protection
- Endpoint Detection & Response
Read the following articles for more information about the Exchange server vulnerabilities.
A Microsoft Exchange saga: How is ESET Technology protecting business customers post-exploitation?
What does the recent Microsoft Exchange attack frenzy tell CISOs about their approach to security?
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Just complete the form and we will get the information you need including free trials.
Zero-day Vulnerabilities
A new, unpatched vulnerability which is used to perform an attack. The name "zero-day" comes from the fact that no patch yet exists to mitigate the vulnerability being exploited. Zero-days are sometimes used in trojan horses, rootkits, viruses, worms and other kinds of malware to help them spread to and infect additional computers. Also spelled as "zeroday", "0day" and "0-day.